Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8, 2010 - Anniversary

Fifteen years. Isn't Mary Beth the luckiest woman in the world?

It's been an incredibly busy couple of days. We spent all day Tuesday cleaning out the old house and getting it ready for the closing today. Evan was a champ and hung out at the old house and read while we worked. It helped us so much. Graham had another fun day at school, enjoying the weather and playing outside. He and his buddies like to race their plastic grocery carts around the playground.

We went back to work on Wednesday and Evan spent the day with Grammy (Evan is on Spring Break all week). They went to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Evan said it was hillarious. I took him to lacrosse practice after work and he won every ground ball against a bigger kid in the ground ball drill. He's really doing well this year.

Today we closed on the house. I feel so inadequate now that we don't own our vacation house around the corner any more. Evan got to hang out with Grandmommy and Granddaddy today. They went to the mall for lunch and then went to see the Dragon movie in 3D. Evan said parts of it were kind of scary but he liked it alot. Took Evan to soccer practice tonight and then we got CharGrill burgers for everybody. Didn't help my diet but they were good. Graham came home with lots of boo boos on his legs from playing so hard.

The Twiddy's are staying with us tonight and then hanging out with Evan again tomorrow. Big thanks to them for all their help with Evan and helping us put stuff away from the old house. Thanks to Grammy too for helping with Evan and Graham this week. The boys sure do love their grandparents. They're really looking forward to seeing Granddaddy Jim and Grand Julie tomorrow night and this weekend.

Hear its looking more likely that Ed Davis is coming back next year. Hope that's how it works out.

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